Everyone had an idea of how their life would progress, where they would be when their 18, 22, 30...but mine has been very different. I went to college, had a great time and thought I met the love of my life...oh how fast things can change. I got married at the age of 24, thought for sure I'd have a kid at 26 or 27 but instead got a divorce. It's crazy how life has different plans than you thought of. Now I'm dating the one guys how has been in my life for 11 years and says "he's been though 5 boyfriends and a husband"! Haha! I always get the fun question of when are you guys getting married...your 29 don't you think it's times for kids. I guess my answer to that is no...I'm not ready! When life has thrown you some different curve balls you sit back and hope to not move to fast and make another wrong decision.
I love my job but with as busy as I am, kids is not in the plans right now...I work 50-60 hours a week and don't have time to do my laundry let alone raise a kid. My plan at the age of 29 is to start my Masters next Monday, get that done in a year (I know crazy), start a Pre-Athletic Training program at SCC and maybe then get to slow down a little...(then think of children)! I know to others my plan isn't ideal and I'm going to be over 30 when I have my first kid....(OH WELL) but it's my life not theirs. I think I'm the type of person who doesn't try to make people feel bad cause of their choices so it's always funny how those same people are the ones that make you feel bad because of your choices.
Someday I hope to have 2 kids of my own and will enjoy every moment with them. Until then I will LOVE my nieces and nephews just like my own and spend every minute that I can with them.
That's Sawyers "smile" |
Sawyer Kisses are the best!
Sawyer in 4in heels
All my nieces and nephews
He's such a stud! |
Aunt Sheena and Sawyer hanging out |