Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Well it's happened, I turned 30! I thought it may feel different, I woke up this morning with no knee pain and didn't need a push up bra or any extra anti-aging lotion. Haha. At the age of 30 I thought life might be different, married, kids, etc but it didn't happen that way and I'm ok with it. I have been through things that most people my age don't have to deal with and it helps me everyday to look at my life and cherish every moment. I have an amazing family who supports me in whatever I want to do, I have an understand boyfriend who doesn't understand my love for my job but just shakes his head and does with it. I have so many friends who love me for who I am and many athletes who I treat as if there my own. I have accomplished so much in my 30 years it's really hard to believe that I could regret any of it. Everything that happens in life are lessons and that's exactly how I look at it. People have come and gone in my life and each and everyone of them have taught me something. Life is not measured on material things, and today made me realize how many lives I have touched and it's something that I will never forget. I know my 30's are going to be great and I can't wait to see where they took me. VEGAS here I come!!!