I remember waking up Oct 14 with a lump that poked out when I stood...I had no pain just couldn't figure out what was going on...so after attending Grandpa Henrichs' funeral my mom and Grandma told me I would be getting it checked out...(terrified thinking it was just a hernia) I agreed. I went to a PA in Fayette who told me I was pregnant and sent me on my way. Knowing I couldn't be I went for further testing to end up being told I have something else going on and that I was not pregnant but would be going to Iowa City on Monday morning. I arrived that morning with a herd of people my mom and dad, my Grandma Hansen...Andy and his mom Connie and myself, just trying to figure out what they were really going to find. The moment I got in there for an exam Dr. Sood said you have a mass...we are pretty certain it's just benign but we won't know until surgery. That day was such a blur from having pelvic exam and having 8 students in the room to being poked to draw my blood...to being asked if I will be a volunteer in their study. Of course I agreed...if someday a girl at the age of 19 won't have to go through the same thing I would do it.
I had never at that time had any type of surgery..so going from a hernia to a large mass was horrible...I much rather would have took the hernia! I went back to school and took my mid-terms still thinking in a week or two I'd be back to normal and possibly be playing volleyball by the conference tournament. Little did I know my life would forever change.
I walked in on Oct 25 at 7 am to something I have never done before...getting prepped for surgery. I have never had an IV either...and this was the thing that was making me nervous the most. I worked myself up as I normally do with something unknown but as I was waiting for the painful stick and whatever else I thought comes next the dr. told me we were done! As I was saying my good-byes to my mom and dad the only thing I wanted to remember was to wake up and ask if it was cancer and if I could still possibly have kids. I was so terrified that I would get into the operating room and start my count down from 100 and get to 1 and still feel everything...little did I know I wouldn't even be told to start the count down because I was already out.
Waking up from surgery was the strangest thing I have ever experienced...you come in and out from sleeping and have no concept of time...I just remember when I finally got to see my mom and dad...I could tell my mom had been crying, I did remember to ask my 2 questions...I was told it was cancer but Dr. Sood said when he stitched me up I was cancer free and I could possibly still have children. I remember my mom and Traci keeping me company after everyone had left after the 6 hour surgery that was only suppose to be 2 hours.
I never thought at the age of 19 my mom would have to help me walk to the bathroom...help me shower and wait on me hand and foot...but sometimes life throws crazy things at you. I remember all of the visitors that came to see me in the hospital and made me stay so much easier.
After I went home I got the call that I was going to have to start chemotherapy at the beginning of next week. I didn't even think about it I knew it's what I needed to do to make sure everything was gone. The day that I arrived for my 5 day chemo treatment was the day I met Dr. Giesler...at first I really wasn't to fond of the guy but he became my biggest fan and the person who could always lift my spirits.
I had choosen to get a pic line to receive all of my treatments by but after there was no nurses who could do that Dr. Giesler broke the news that I needed to get a port...(best thing I did in my life). I started my first chemotherapy treatment that day. The treatments were 5 days straight of being admitted and then 2 weeks off, still having to come in once a week for those two days. I did this 3 times. People had told me that chemotherapy was horrible but I never got sick just really tired and my body hurt. I did lose my hair but that was the least of my worries..I just knew I had to continue forward and not stop to look back. I would have time to reflect after the treatments.
I will never forget my family and friends that never left my side...if it was people coming to the hospital to see me or waiting for me after my treatments even when in the middle of conversion I would fall asleep.
My life since then has been like any normal life...I just have scars that I get asked about all the time..and a bad obsession of teal ribbons or anything teal really. If I could go back and change what has happened in my life I wouldn't change one thing about going through cancer. It has made me the person I am today...I look at life different, people different and myself differently. I never saw myself as a strong and determined person but after my experience with cancer I believe I can go through anything.
My next plan is to continue raising Ovarian Cancer Awareness...even if it means driving everyone crazy with Teal!!!!